Name nameless god

Body 157cm & 5KG

Home avern, earth

Faces new, jisun

“For you, we're just dying stars.”
With neither a whisper nor a bang, the world went dark. The great towers of strength that were meant to line Avern with power and authority did not fall as dominos, or crumble beneath the weight of their own defeat. In what seemed an instant, the dark was won and light was broken in places it had never known to exist. As it came to be, there was only terror and forgetting. Forgetting the way things were, forgetting the stories they had shared. Lifelight was a myth, a thought, a fable that had lifted power to be but did not have power on its own. They were wrong, of course, but even darkness leaves spaces for light to try and break its way in. In the Heart of all Will laid the Lifelight, resting until there was a chance to fuel Avern again, its light existing only to power Dragonflies without any interference again.

Centuries it came, it went. Darkness as the threshold of all right and power and inheretance. And then, a crack, the door opening just enough to wake Lifelight and bring forth unto it a form it's still learning to navigate, exploring the world in senses that have never belonged to it before. The Crown found and granted, there is nothing else to do but wait, wait to let hope and light flood the halls of prayer and shelter again until the thoughts and hearts of Avern learn to fly like birds again.
